Saturday, October 31, 2009

Taking a Ghostly Stroll on Halloween

It's Halloween. Trick or treaters are paying us a visit...."Toccatta and Fugue in D Minor" from Disney's "Fantasia" is playing for effect...Halloween has always been a tradition in my house, can't have Halloween without Fantasia, even "Ave Maria Op52 No 6," contributes to the All Hallow's Eve feeling, leading us into All Saints can picture the scene from the movie with the eerie parade of figures and light...My mother created a haunted house in our living room every year and answered the door dressed as a witch, the ensemble completed by Harry, our Cairn terrier and as the official Toto wannabe, greeted the Trick or Treaters as they came to the door. The fire place would be burning, the house lit only by candlelight to complete the eerie atmosphere....In order to claim your treat, you had to come in....brahahahaha! Both the parents and their kids love it every year.

Plein air painters try to get out and paint all year round, sometimes we paint in the evenings, easel lamps lighting the way for brushes and pastels. Sometimes, just sometimes, we are in the right place at the right time to capture that occasional ghostly stroller on that quiet road....

Happy Halloween to all.

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